Music, Instrument, and Arts Grants
NMEA is working hard to provide its members the best and most up to date resources for better teaching. More Information to come soon.
Hughes & Jones Music Fund Grant
In 2006, Charles L. Hughes and Alvin C. Jones created the Hughes & Jones Music Fund with the sole purpose of funding musical instruments to Nevada’s public schools. The goal was to make musical instruments available to students who might not otherwise be able to afford them and enable local schools to maintain the ownership for student use for years. By this process school music programs would remain strong and vital, and community events would have the benefit of local student talent.
The Hughes & Jones Music Fund grant cycles are:
• Nevada rural counties in the spring of odd years
• Clark and Washoe counties in the spring of even years
Proposal Deadline is March 13, 2024 by 5:00PM.
2023 winner of the Hughes & Jones Music Fund Grant
Peter R. Marsh Foundation Grant
The Peter R. Marsh Foundation’s Middle School Music Grant has profoundly impacted the lives of thousands of students across the nation.
Teachers have shared that the place they would most likely find a grant opportunity is through their state Music Education Association (MEA). In the interest of reaching the thousands of middle school music teachers who have not yet learned of this Grant, please share the following information on your state MEA website, in newsletters, and/or social media one or more times before the end of January 2024:
The Peter R. Marsh Foundation accepts requests for the Middle School Music Grant program between September 1st and January 31st annually. Grants for $1000 are available, nationwide, to public middle school music teachers in the United States.
This program supports the efforts of teachers in leading their students to a fruitful life of behavioral kindness and emotional wellness, by nurturing empathy and compassion through community service and an inspiration to become more accomplished musicians. Additionally, the grant provides funds directly to music teachers for the enhancement of their classroom music education program.
The Grantee and their middle school music students are to provide a minimum of three musical performances at senior facilities in their local or nearby communities during the school year. Each engagement is to include a post-performance student/senior visitation period.
See the Foundation’s website for complete Guidelines, Conditions, and Reviews from past participants. Additional teacher comments may be found on the Foundation’s Facebook page
Various National Grants​