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NMEA Music Educators Hall of Fame 

Every year, NMEA members have the opportunity to nominate someone who has made an impact on music education in Nevada. There are four categories from which to nominate from; the Steve Maytan Service to Music Education Award, New Music Educator of the Year, Administrator of the Year, and Music Educator of the Year. Nominations are reviewed by the board, and individuals who are chosen are notified in early spring of each year.

Nevada Music Educator of the Year Award 

The Nevada Music Educators Association seeks to recognize contributions made by NMEA members for excellence in music education. The MUSIC EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD provides an opportunity to honor those who have been teaching in the state of Nevada, set high standards for our profession and who give us inspiration and direction. NMEA members are encouraged to submit nominations for this prestigious award. Nominations are reviewed by the NMEA Board.  They will evaluate the nominations and select the award recipient. â€‹

​The 2024 Nevada Music Educator of the Year Award is Angela Truitt

Angel Truitt Orchestra Director Lied Stem Academy

​The 2025 Nevada Music Educator of the Year Award is 

To be announced soon 

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​New Music Educator of the Year Award 

​The Nevada Music Educators Association seeks to recognize contributions made by NMEA members for excellence in music education. The NEW MUSIC EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD provides an opportunity to honor those who are new to the state of Nevada, set high standards for our profession and who give us inspiration and direction.  Nominees must have 5 years or less of teaching experience.
NMEA members are encouraged to submit nominations for this prestigious award. Nominations are reviewed by the NMEA Board. They will evaluate each nomination and select the award recipient.​

​The 2024 Nevada Music Educator of the Year Award is Julio Varagas-Guerra

Band Director Clark High School

​The 2025 Nevada Music Educator of the Year Award is 

To be announced soon

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NMEA Administrator of the Year Award 

The Nevada Music Educators Association seeks to recognize Nevada Administrators for their contributions to music education.  The ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD provides an opportunity to honor those administrators who support and help to advance music education in the school and community.NMEA members are encouraged to submit nominations for this prestigious award. Nominations are submitted to the NMEA BOARD.  They will evaluate the nominations and select the award recipient.

​The 2024 Nevada Administrator of the Year Award is Kerry Larnard

Clark High School

​The 2025 Nevada Administrator of the Year Award is 

To be announced soon 

The â€‹Steve Maytan Award 

The Nevada Music Educators Association are pleased to announce the Steve Maytan, Service to Music Education Award. This award recognizes contributions made by Nevadans who have provided great service to music education in Nevada. The recipient of this award should be someone who has gone “above and beyond” for the benefit of music education and music students in our state.​​

​The 2024 ​Steve Maytan Award is

Timothy Thomas

Orchestra Director Coronado High School

​The 2025 Steve Maytan Year Award is 

To be announced soon

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James Gillette Small School Champion of Music Education  

The Nevada Music Educators Association is pleased to announce the James Gillette, Small Schools Champion for Music Education Award. This award recognizes contributions made by teachers who have provided great service and experiences to students in Nevada's schools of populations less than 1000 students. The recipient of this award should be someone who has continued to offer opportunities and support for students in their community for the benefit of music education and music students in our state.​

​The 2025 James Gillette Award is 

To be announced soon 

Serving all music educators in the state of Nevada, the mission of the Nevada Music Educators Association is to promote music education, to ensure its inclusion in all students’ core curriculum, and to guarantee quality musical experiences for all learners.

© 2023 Nevada Music Educators Association


A federated state association of the

National Association for Music Education 

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