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National Advocacy

NAfME Music Education Advocate Podcast â€‹

Join host Jazzmone Sutton, NAfME State Advocacy Engagement Manager, and other music education advocates to hear their stories and reflections on how to make advocacy actionable for the music education advocate. Episodes will be released biweekly.

Hill Day 

At NAfME’s National Leadership Assembly every June, NMEA members travel to D.C. to meet with Nevada’s Representatives in Congress to advocate for music education in Nevada. NAfME is working hard to provide opportunities for MEA’s to meet with their representatives and share information on how to ensure all students can have music as a part of their education. Below are some photos from our latest Hill Day. Click here to learn more about NAfME's Advocacy for music education throughout our country!

2024 Hill Day Nevada Delegation

State and Local Advocacy 

NMEA is advocating for you!

The Nevada Music Educators Association is working to advocate for your music students. This years focus has been on providing more opportunities to more music students and teachers in all regions of the state. Look for more exciting new to come this summer!!


Helpful resources and tools



Nevada State Advocacy Information  

Legislative Session Info- Legislature Website Legislative Calendar



Serving all music educators in the state of Nevada, the mission of the Nevada Music Educators Association is to promote music education, to ensure its inclusion in all students’ core curriculum, and to guarantee quality musical experiences for all learners.

© 2023 Nevada Music Educators Association


A federated state association of the

National Association for Music Education 

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